SD215 Reliance, SD

From Performance Development Group
Tower Details
Tower Number   SD215

Latitude   43.84108

Longitude   -99.49733

Address   33212 S. 190 Service Rd 

City    Reliance

State   SD

Zip Code   57569

County   Lyman

Tower Type   Guyed

Elevation   1740' feet AMSL

Tower Height   300' feet AGL

Tower Load   Lease space available

Heights Occupied   unoccupied

Interior Space   Space available within fenced compound

Access   Keys are required for site access

FAA Number   00-AGL-6010-OE

FCC Number   1232682

Tower Owner   Dakota Leasing for Telecommunications I

Directions   Traveling on I-90, turn off at Exit 251, follow the frontage road South of the Interstate back to the East until it crosses the Interstate. Before you cross under it, there will be a set of corrals. Go in the pasture gate and follow the fence line to the East about 0.75 miles.

Tower Co-Location Application
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