ND327 Hebron, ND

From Performance Development Group
Tower Details
Tower Number   ND327

Latitude   46.854627

Longitude   -101.967819

Address   A tract of land situated in Lot 3 in Section 18, Township 139 North, Range 89 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Morton County, North Dakota

City   Near the City of Hebron

State   ND

Zip Code   58638

County   Morton

Tower Type   Guyed

Elevation   2246.20' feet AMSL

Tower Height   330' feet AGL

Tower Load   Lease space available

Heights Occupied   unoccupied

Interior Space   Space available within fenced compound

Access   Keys are required for site access

FAA Number   00-AGL-6637-OE

FCC Number   1219554

Tower Owner   Dakota Leasing for Telecommunications I

Directions   From the junction of I-94 and County Road 139 (Exit 102) go NW on County Road 139 for 3.1 miles to County Road 89, turn left (South) travel 2 miles to intersection of township road on South side of Interstate, turn left (East) on township road travel 1 mile, turn right (south) and travel 0.5 mile to tower site on the left (East)

Tower Co-Location Application
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